Last week, I visited the Mobile Museum of Art and saw the new exhibition, FOR CHILDREN: THE ELEMENTS OF ART & DESIGN. It was such an incredible exhibit! 

I felt like a kid walking in... every room was awe-inspiring! It was not only fascinating to look at, but such a great platform for discussing line, space, color, shape, etc. 

This experience really got me thinking of ways to transform my art room and make it a more engaging environment. I would love for my art room to be a place where the decor is not only aesthetically pleasing, but a springboard for teaching as well. 

It's hard to say what my favorite part of the exhibition was, but the room lit with blacklights really stood out. This year, I started purchasing supplies to turn my room into a blacklight studio (temporarily), so I was excited to see this part of the exhibit!

I've had the idea to transform my room ever since seeing Kenny Scharf's Cosmic Cavern (pictured to the right).  

It's amazing what color and light can do to a space. Viewing this exhibition has really encouraged me to continue revamping my art room and create our own blacklight studio towards the end of the school year. 


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